Julia Set Interactive

Program for interactive manipulation of Julia Set.
Visualizes iterative construction of Julia and Mandelbrot sets, and their connection.

Binary, source

id: julia
tags: fractal, cpp, vc, windows, source
date: 13.08.2007


Program for interactive manipulation of geometric fractals.
Allows to construct L-system-like fractal curves.

more screenshots on LJ

Binary, sample documents, source

id: vectal
tags: fractal, vc, cpp, windows, source
date: 13.08.2007


A Windows app for learning musical harmony.
It was inspired by the book of Yuri Kholopov "Harmony. Theoretical Course".
and improved based on the papers of Simon Holland.

Binary, with help and samples

id: qtgrid
tags: vc, cpp, windows, source
date: 19.06.2008